Psychic Color Consultant

A client asked Jocelyn how she did it. “Did what?” she asked. Match their combination laundry / powder room with the family dairy farm milk carton’s hue . Unaware of this Indiana based dairy or the specific carton color used, how did Jocelyn arrive here? “I see color,” she explained, “and sometimes I get lucky.” That’s her hand in the photo above holding said milk carton. The images below are from the same project.

Philosophers & designers alike stress & argue about the make up of things.. Plato ruminated about the ultimate version of forms. He dreamed of a more reliable, permanent world. He didn’t like the scruffy version of real life so he envisioned a different space. Intellectually, he was stepping into a new plane of imagination, born from ideas.. Was it a desperate counterpoint to our even changing, inconvenient world or simply contradiction?

This is the struggle. Living is messy & mysterious, but good design might be the closest we come to godliness, however you worship.





Psychic Color Consultant .


Wooden Boxes


Stoneware Bowl