Door Knockers

“When a man understand the art of seeing, he can trace the spirit of an age and the features of a king even in the knocker on a door. “ -Victor Hugo

The origin of door knockers go back to ancient Greece. A knocker was new technology to announce one’s arrival. It was uncouth then (as it is now) to simply walk into someone domain. Appropriated by the Romans, the door knocker became a ubiquitous item throughout their empire.

Be the one who knocks with one (or both) of these nautical themed, brass door knockers. Previously installed in a boat on the Pacific Ocean, they are now available for your yacht. Don’t own a vessel? Perfectly legal and charming to use on doors in outside your home.

If you’re interested in this item, click here

Knock Knock...

Who's There?

Knock Knock... Who's There?


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